A couple of weeks ago I went to visit Dawne, her beautiful daughter, Sydney, and her new little baby, Sawyer. I have been friends with Dawne since, well, forever! We were the little girls with the blonde bowl-cuts and the kulats on the playground back in 3rd grade. We stayed friends through high school and beyond. Dawne set up my first date with my husband 8 years ago. We were both pregnant with our first babies at the same time. We’ve been through a lot together over the (ahem) 30 years we’ve been friends. So I was very excited to be able to visit and to capture Sawyer’s perfect little new-ness when he was just 11 days old. There are about a million gorgeous pictures but here are some of my favorites:
It wasn’t easy to get this little man to sleep for us. He was feisty that morning! This is his peaceful self–while it lasted.
Sydney was such a sweet older sister. She loves ‘petting’ Sawyer and getting his pacifier for him when he cries. She also enjoys getting her picture taken, which made me extra happy.
While Dawne took some time to feed and change Sawyer, I hung out with Sydney in the baby’s room. She was counting her coin collection. A very serious task!
Waiting patiently on the stairs…
We headed into the nursery for some more shots. Sawyer loved being on the floor and I could not believe how strong he was. He was lifting his head and upper body up off the ground and looking around! It was amazing.

Check out that neck control! And the little old-man forehead.
I LOVE these next two. Super sweet!
Dawne–I had the BEST time with you and your adorable babies. I can’t wait to see how much Sawyer has changed. Congratulations to you and Syd and Sydney. I am so happy for you all!