I realize it has been a long while since I first posted Part One of this fabulous wedding. And a longer than usual time between the event and the posts. There were some medical issues in my family this summer and Ginny, being the wonderful and supportive friend that she is, let me know that she was happy to wait for her images–as excited as she was to see them–so that I could attend to my Dad and Mom. So–huge thank you to Ginny, Brent and their families who I am sure have been wringing their hands waiting for these to be done. Thank you for understanding and for giving me the peace of mind I needed at a difficult time.
Okay–on a lighter note–feast your eyes!
The ceremony took place at a lovely church in downtown Torrington, Center Congregational Church. Here are some of my favorite images from the ceremony:
The guys waiting in the wings for things to start. Love these random moments!
Brent as he waits for Ginny at the altar.
Lots of kids involved in this wedding. They all did great!
Here she comes!!

Woo Hoo!
After the ceremony we headed to a park across the street to wrangle the family–and all those cute kids!–for some family photos.
My favorite. Ginny, Brent, Molly and Ben. How cute can you get?!
This next batch is from a park that we went to for the wedding party pics. Huge props to Brent. He was given the task to find a place somewhere between the church and the reception with some nice open shade (hopefully!) to do some photos of the wedding party and of Ginny and Brent alone. He nailed it! This place was amazing.
Don't they look so great? Love the colors of the suits and dresses. And this little garden-mansion-nook was perfect!
The Boys.
Yeah, Kyler!
The Ladies.
Oops! Can't forget this shot of Ginny being accosted by the groomsmen. Love her expression!
Too sweet!
I know–I’m lucky–couples this good-lookin’ make my job pretty easy! Ginny and Brent–thanks again for your patience and I hope you enjoy what you’ve seen so far!