I have the very good fortune of having not only the BEST in-laws I could have ever wished for–but the BEST in-laws who also happen to live on the Cape! (Bonus!) So we always have an awesome place to visit and to celebrate the 4th of July. We also have some other relatives and friends down there, so it always makes for a great time. Finn has a blast playing with his cousins and exploring at the beach.
Here are some of my favorite photos from the weekend:
This is our niece, Claire. You will be seeing lots more of her in a future post as she spent an entire afternoon posing for me. It’s nice to have such beautiful models!
Colton was a good sport. I don’t think he was terribly excited to pose for me, but he cooperated!
Check out this cutie-pie!
Her big brother, Eli:
Ainslee, enjoying some alone time:
Lila, always laughing! (Really–she is always laughing!)
Jack watches the runners at the Fourth of July Road Race:
Nathaniel at the Road Race:
Speaking of the road race, Claire came in SECOND!! We are all so proud of her. Running 5 miles is something I cannot even imagine, let alone actually earning a trophy for it. I would more likely earn a series of chest compressions, but that’s just me!
Jack checks out Claire’s prize: