A few months ago I got a call from my Aunt asking if I would like to donate my time to a wonderful charity event she and my cousin are involved with. I checked my calendar and was happy to discover that I was free so I signed on. I knew very little about the charity but trusted that if my family was involved it was surely something I would be proud to be a part of. The foundation is called the Ron Foley Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, Inc. and their ‘signature’ event is called Ron’s Run for The Roses.
My own father was very sick last year and there was a period of a few weeks when we unsure of his prognosis. A devastating cancer diagnosis was a distinct possibility and the waiting was excrutiating. My Dad was lucky and our worst fears were not realized. When I learned of Ron Foley and the loss his family suffered when he passed away in 2005, I felt it was a gift that I had been given to be able to lend my help to their efforts. A Pay it Forward moment.
This was the 3rd year of their annual event and they had a great turnout! The day centers around the Kentucky Derby. Guests come dressed in their spring finest and many wonderful vendors donate their time, their goods and their services to make this a truly wonderful day. Guests pay to attend the event and all kinds of area businesses donate amazing goods to be auctioned off during the day. The proceeds go to support research and treatment of pancreatic cancer. From their website:
“Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, as well as around the world, striking both men and women nearly equally. With the worst survival rate of all cancers, the National Cancer Institute estimates that approximately 42,000 people will be diagnosed with this disease within the next twelve months. Of these, 35,000 will not survive the year. And of the remaining 7,000, only 5 % will be alive five years later. This silent killer gives few early warning signs. Mortality rates for pancreatic cancer have improved little in the past 30 years. It is our hope that Ron’s Run will raise awareness and funding for the important research that is critical to fight this lethal disease.”
Barbara Foley, Ron’s wife, Jennifer Loughran, the event’s co-chair, and a dedicated group of friends and family, work tirelessly to raise awareness and funds to support people who are affected by pancreatic cancer.
The first Ron’s Run for The Roses was held at Barbara’s home but they quickly outgrew that space and for the past 2 years it has taken place at the beautiful Folly Farm in Simsbury. What a gorgeous setting!
The items donated for the auction were amazing! There were dozens of items ranging from baskets of games for Family Game Night to spa packages to sports memorabilia to clothing to decorator items. You name it! Below you can see a gorgeous decorative pasta bowl from Italy. There were signed photographs from well-known professional athletes–Dustin Pedroia and Brett Gardner. A baseball signed by Phil Hughes of the Yankees, a football signed by the members of the NY Jets, a basketball signed by the entire UCONN men’s basketball team–National Champions!! Tickets to a Red Sox game. Two massive flat screen TVs. The list goes on!
In the photos below are many of Ron and Barbara’s family members along with Ron’s own doctor from Hartford Hospital, Dr. Robert Siegel (bottom left) and the crew from Folly Farm (bottom right.)
Below you see Ron’s wife, Barbara, his lovely daughter, Katie, and the event co-chair, Jennifer Loughran. On the right you may recognize 102.9 WDRC-FM’s Jerry Kristafer who led the afternoon’s live auction.
The day’s events included a fashion show led by fashion stylist Debbie Wright (below left with Barbara Foley) and WDRC-AM’s Mary Jones (below right with Jennifer Loughran.)
Some favorites from the fashion show including Mrs. America, 2010, Shelley Carbone (left):
Also pictured below (center) is Mrs. Connecticut 2011, Jennifer Begley.
There were so many wonderful guests and vendors who donated both their services and their goods. Below you see the ladies from Plan B restaurant who served drinks all afternoon. Their mint juleps were a huge hit!
Some more fun pics:
One of the items that was up for a raffle drawing was this incredible pair of diamond earrings. My cousin, Meredith, who is involved in the planning of the day’s events, bought several raffle tickets. In the bottom left photo she is seen reading the name of the raffle’s winner after it was drawn from a hat. The best part? It was HER name! There she is on the right, the proud new owner of said diamond earrings!
In the collage below–top, middle–is videographer Steven Fowler who also donated his time and expertise for the day’s festivities. He is working on a fusion piece that will combine video footage with still photographs from the day. Check out his blog here.
Love the reactions of people watching the Kentucky Derby in the collage above. The crowd at the top right was rooting for Pants on Fire, the horse ridden by female jockey Rosie Napravnik. She didn’t end up winning but was the highest placing female jockey in Derby history. Love the reaction of the gentleman at bottom right–so intent!
And some last photo favorites to enjoy:
Meredith, thank you so much for thinking of me when you were looking for vendors to volunteer to be a part of this awesome event. Barbara and Jennifer–I am honored to have played a small part in such a wonderful fundraiser. Everything went off without a hitch and what a fun day we had!
For those of you who would like to view all of the final images from the day’s festivities, click here to view the online gallery. All profits made from the sale of the images will be donated to the Ron Foley Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, Inc. Thank you!!