Boy, did I have a busy Sunday! In the morning I visited with two of my closest friends from high school and their beautiful little children. I hope they don’t mind that I spent most of our time together behind my camera, but with faces like these all around me, how could I resist?
Here’s Jake. Frankly, I’m surprised I got this many of him. He was all over the place and would not give me the time of day!
Ella. What a doll. I don’t think you can take a bad picture of this face.
Baby Teya. Another sweetheart. She slept through much of our visit, but I was able to grab a few shots of her while the older kids ran around outside.
After my visit with them I headed over to my grandmother’s house where I hung out with my cousin, Alexa:
And to top it all off, my adorable niece, Mazey, showed up and dazzled us all with her imitation of The Gerber Baby.
And, because sometimes I have the humor of a 7th grader, here’s a shot of Mazey flipping me the bird. She thinks she’s pretty cute, huh?
How could I leave out this lovely face?