Bringing an End to World Hunger Through Unimaginable Blessings
Today, millions of people who were once hungry will be nourished by milk, eggs and fresh vegetables.
Families who for generations knew only poverty will be building new homes and starting businesses.
Children who once headed out to the fields to do backbreaking work will be heading into schoolrooms to learn to read.
And people who never thought they’d be in a position to help someone else will be experiencing the joy of charitable giving.
How is this possible?
With Heifer’s proven approach – almost 60 years in the making – to helping people obtain a sustainable source of food and income.
This Christmas the adults in my family have decided not to buy presents for each other, but to give the money we might have spent on one another to Heifer International, a wonderful organization whose mission is to end world hunger. If you have not heard of this group, please take a moment to visit their website. It is amazing what a difference you can make for a family with a gift as little as $20! And if you can pool your money with others’ you can buy a goat or a sheep or a llama for a family in need! Check out their gift catalog to see what your money can buy for a family in need.
If your office does a Secret Santa or a Grab Bag, consider suggesting instead that everyone donate the $10 they would have spent on a candle or a gag gift to an office pool that could actually change someone’s life! Seriously–how many hand lotions or candles do you really need?
Check it out. It’s pretty enlightening.