So people are always asking me about where I live. We’re in the northwest hills of CT where elevation makes all the difference. While most of you were getting crappy rain, we were getting this ice storm! Thursday night was a trip. Tim and I lay awake all night listening to trees fall all around our house. Scary!
This is the view from my driveway Friday morning. The funny thing–this is nothing! Parts of town looked much worse than this but it really wasn’t safe for me to be out shooting for much of the weekend since trees and limbs continued to fall, along with huge chunks of ice. We did not start to thaw out until late Sunday. I wish I could have walked around on Saturday to document more of this. The sky was sunny and blue and the ice was just brilliant but I was only in town for a few minutes on my way out to an engagement shoot. Finn and I stayed at my parent’s all weekend where we could enjoy heat, electricity and water. Tim “roughed it” in Hartland by himself. He likes to complain about it, but I think he kind of liked it. Playin’ like he was Jeremiah Johnson or something.
We lucked out in this deal. Many of our neighbors had to literally cut their way out of their driveways,littered with fallen trees and broken limbs. And while it took days to get our power back, I have to give props to the utility workers–they were out there in their hard hats just working their way from house to house putting things back together.
I had been meaning to try out the macro setting on one of my more neglected lenses and this just seemed like a perfect opportunity. I grabbed Tim’s ring and my own and set them gingerly on this ice covered leaf.
I got a number of nice shots and was just starting to have fun when I decided to put our rings on a really cool icicle that curled down from a nearby branch. I put Tim’s ring on first. The ice broke off and, in slow motion, Tim’s ring fell to the ground. Never to be seen again!
I wish I was kidding but I really did lose it! I know it’s out there somewhere but after an hour of searching methodically in the icy leaves I still have not found it. (And let me tell you–all of those little pieces of ice that littered the ground look an awful lot like a wedding ring!)
Shoot me an email if you have a metal detector I can borrow!