Mama Got a New Toy!

I didn’t have too much time to play today. But I had to crack out my new 100mm macro lens for at least a few shots. I actually owned a macro lens already, but it was not compatible with my fancy new 5D Mark II. La-di-da! Plus it was not a Canon and I kind of hated it. So here are a handul. For some I got in real close to test out the macro. Pretty sweet. And then I shot a few portraits of my boy just because.

Also of note is how high my ISO was for many of these. Something I absolutely could not get away with using my old camera. At least not without some serious noise. This new 5D is just creamy at high ISOs. Yum.


This shot is of my rings. I’d throw Tim’s in the mix, but it’s still buried under mounds of snow. He likes to remind me of that whenever he can.


Look! You can even see the inscription on the inside. Not too shabby.

Look! You can even see the inscription on the inside. Not too shabby.


One thing that was very noticeable as I shot little objects around my home? I really need to dust. Big time.


But I have to say, isn’t it cool that this lens can pick out every little speck of dust in it’s tiny little field of vision? 


Love the face of this old clock. Gonna have to play some more with that… (P.S. Shot at ISO 4000! Me likey!)


Speaking of faces that I love… (C’mon, I had to say it!)



I know this is ridiculous. But it's so "little kid" the way he is wiping his nose. At least I think so!


Love the way he is ruffling his hair. (Is that a word, 'ruffling?')

Love the way he is ruffling his hair. (Is that a word, 'ruffling?')

Can you tell he loves having his picture taken? Such a charmer, huh?

Can you tell he loves having his picture taken? Such a charmer, huh?

By the way–these were all shot at ISO 1000. Pretty smooth, eh? Totally up my alley since I shoot available light whenever possible.







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Eileen Tierney Broderick is a portrait photographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She specializes in natural portraiture of babies, children, families, and high school seniors. She is available to travel to Denver, Boulder, and beyond for custom portrait commissions. Please inquire for availability and pricing.
