Several weeks back, in the midst of our crazy, rainy summer, the skies cleared one Saturday morning for just a few hours. Just long enough for the ceremony of Susanne and Mike at The Gillette Castle. What an incredible spot for a ceremony! Susanne and Mike wanted their wedding to be intimate and simple. It was both of these. But it was also incredibly personal, moving and memorable. Their officiant, Mary Coburn, delivered perhaps the most touching ceremony I have seen to date. She works closely with couples to craft their vows, their readings, their story into a beautiful and personalized ceremony.
Our view from the bottom. Not too shabby!
Some other scenery details:
Mike practices his vows as he waits for the ceremony to begin.
Susanne’s parents traveled from Germany to be here for the wedding. Here she and her father approach the ceremony:
Mike as he first sees Susanne. Spellbound.
Mary holds up their rings and invites each guest to say a special prayer for Susi and Mike as the pouch is passed around.
Mike shares a laugh with his sister as Mary recounts the first time Mike and Susanne met.
A favorite moment.
Susanne says her vows to Mike. Look at the love in his face. (Yup...I cried!)
I had originally planned to post their formals along with these but I think that may be too many images for one post. So stay tuned for those next…