Baby, This One’s For You…


Some of you may remember my icicle mishap from this past winter. Long story short: I ventured outside after an incredible ice storm to photograph my rings and my husband’s ring balancing oh-so-precariously on the lovely ice-covered trees.

Ice delicate = ring gone. Lesson learned.





Well. It’s been 4 months and I finally got my butt out there to look for it. Tim’s friend loaned us a metal detector which I had hoped would point me to the ring lickety-split.

The Scene of The Crime

The Scene of The Crime


Pretty fancy!

Pretty fancy!

It took me an hour of methodically picking up handful after handful of soggy leaves and moving Ye’ Old Christmas Tree Skeleton (see bottom right of Crime Scene photo) plus untold numbers of sticks, but I finally found it!!

Imagine My Surprise

Imagine My Surprise

How in God’s name this ring landed underneath piles of dead organic matter is beyond me. Oh, and by the way–the metal detector was useless. (Sorry, Jim.) It didn’t beep even when I had completely uncovered the ring and held the detector directly above it. I guess it doesn’t recognize platinum? It did beep at an old soda can so it does work!

Dirty but Back!

Dirty but Back!

Oh. And this one’s for me:

The flowers I bought myself last night.

The flowers I bought myself last night.

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Eileen Tierney Broderick is a portrait photographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She specializes in natural portraiture of babies, children, families, and high school seniors. She is available to travel to Denver, Boulder, and beyond for custom portrait commissions. Please inquire for availability and pricing.
