I had the pleasure of spending a Sunday morning visiting these two cuties a couple of weeks back. What a joy!
Right when I walked in Mason, almost 2, came to check me out. The first shots of the day are below:
To my delight, after this exchange Mason decided he liked me plenty. He took my hand and pulled me with him wherever he went. And promptly parked himself about 12 inches from my camera. Which made taking pictures a challenge, at first, but once the novelty wore off I was able to get some great shots!
Getting his clothes on for his modeling debut!
Lest you think there is just one adorable cutie in this family–note the wiggly figure in the left foreground below:
That’s Taryn. She was about 7 weeks old at the time of my visit. And a dream baby!
Let’s take a look at her sweetness:
Some baby close-ups:
Back to big brother. He was busy building and playing!
Love his face when he spots the cat hidden on a chair under the table!
While Mason and Daddy were busy making pictures I snuck up to the baby’s room with Mom to grab a couple of Taryn in her crib. This next one is my favorite. Some day they will look back at this and not believe she was ever so small!
I just love how alert she is in this shot. What posture!
Downstairs Mason was busy with Play-Doh.
One last favorite of Mason from the session:
And some fun collages of baby Taryn:
Jim and Backy–thanks so much for having me! I had so much fun. Your kids are adorable and Mason was super cute inviting me to sit with him wherever he went. =) He made my day! I hope you enjoy these images for decades to come!!