My cousin, Lindsay, and her husband, Andrew, had their second baby a few weeks ago and I visited to snap some pics of the happy family.
Finlay, their 3 year old, was a riot. I love that age. He is very into his trains, as you will see, and is quite the expert on the Thomas & Friends.
This was one of my first shots of him and it just may be my favorite. The expression, the pajamas, everything!
Love these next couple of Finlay with his Daddy. So sweet.
It turns out Rory, their new baby girl, was on a feeding-frenzy and she spent most my visit nursing! But she did make an appearance for a few quick shots. By then big brother, Finlay, was down for his nap but we work with what we got, right?! Maybe next time we can get some pictures of them together. Here are some favorites of sweet, little Rory:
Congratulations, Lindsay and Andrew and big brother, Finlay! Rory is too cute. I know she has already grown so much–I can’t wait to see her again! xoxo