Recently one of my dear friends, Traci, and her husband Phil welcomed their first baby. Giada Kate was about 10 days old when I visited and took these images of her sweet little self.
When I arrived she was sleeping contentedly in her musical swing all snuggled up like a peapod!
After Traci and I had some time to catch up we headed up to Giada’s room to grab some pics of her in the nursery.
The image below is one of my favorites from the day. Traci and Phil have two adorable Jack Russell’s and they wanted to be wherever Giada (and my camera) were!
Clearly Moose wanted some attention so I humored him with this doggie-portrait:
And his sister, Maui:
Okay. Back to the “real” baby!
I love to shoot from above with the baby in the crib–just to show how tiny they are! One day they will look back on this photo and hardly believe Giada was ever so small!
Giada really wasn’t sleepy during my visit. (Maybe it is because her Mom and I never stopped talking?!) So she kind of hung out and looked around while I took pictures. Works for me!
A quick grab during a brief moment of shut-eye:
Another favorite of mine:
Now some images of Mommy and Baby. =)
Traci and Phil. What can I say? Ya’ll make some good babies! I was so excited to meet little Giada and am so happy for you both! Congratulations, Mommy and Daddy!