Okay. So now that Miss Celia is 7 months old I am finally getting around to posting her newborn photos! What can I say, I can’t always keep up with my blogging! I’ve actually just finished editing her 6 month photos so those are on deck! But it seemed a shame to skip her newborn pics since she is such a beautiful baby so, here goes! You may recognize her older brother, Jack. I’ve been photographing him and the family since he was born 2 1/2 years ago. His newborn photos can be seen here and here. Some of my favorites of baby sister, Celia:
How about these eyes?!
Love seeing big brother Jack with his new sister. He was still deciding at this point if she was worth keepin’ around. 😉
A favorite Daddy-Daughter moment:
And a Mommy moment….sigh…
I hung out with Jack for a bit, of course:
Playing hockey with Dad:
Here he is getting suited up to run some errands:
Back to Baby Celia!
Such an honor to photograph this family for the fifth time! Session number 6, Celia’s six-month shoot is coming up next!
Baby Photography: Newborn Celia
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