WARNING: Crazy, huge post! I can’t help it–I had too much fun!
Last Tuesday I spent the day with an awesome group of people. Val McCormick, Claudia and I were the lucky ones to make it into Carla Ten Eyck’s first session of Ten Eyck Tuesdays. What a great time we had! The lovely Robin Dini and her husband Frank were our models for the day.
Before I begin, let me say this about Ms. Carla Ten Eyck. I signed up for her workshop because I admire her work and her enthusiasm so much. I wanted to see her in action and hoped some of her magic might rub off on me. Not only is she an amazing talent, but her love for what she does is infectious and she so enjoys sharing and teaching and helping people grow.
Spending time with Carla is just good for the soul.
Our first stop was a park at high noon. Not ideal shooting conditions, but we managed to rock it. Robin and Frank are so in love and so natural in front of the camera.
How’s this for a cool location? Who knew a highway overpass could be so fun to shoot in? (Carla did, that’s who.)
The Frankness.
Our last stop was in a crazy tunnel near the train station. A normal person would probably just hold her breath and walk quickly through, hoping nothing would drip on her from above. (Ha, ha–private joke for those in attendance!) But, again, we rocked it!
Carla set up this cool shot using Frank’s aviators.
A Couple’s Self Portrait. Robin shot this photo of herself in Frank’s glasses. How cute are they?!
I rest my case.