I’ve Been Tagged!

I went to Eric’s blog just now to enjoy some rockin’ photos and lo and behold–I found I’d been tagged! Doh!

Here’s how it works:

– Grab the nearest book.
– Open to page 56.
– Find the fifth sentence.
– Post the next two to five sentences in your blog with these instructions.
– Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one – pick the CLOSEST.
– Tag five other people to do the same.

Okay. So I am sitting 3 feet away from an entire wall of books. I was going to just close my eyes and point but then I remembered the handful I had recently taken off the shelf to donate because I had either already read them or I finally admitted to myself that I would probably never read them. I grabbed the one on top. Insomnia, by Stephen King. I have not read this book, though I love me some Stephen King. But let’s be real. This one is a “mere” 787 pages. When in the world am I going to have time to read 787 pages?! And once I start a book I am like a hermit until I finish it. I stay up all night reading. I bring it in my car and read at red lights. (It’s true.) I bring it to the dinner table and try to steal glances while my husband cuts his meat. I am ridiculous. Investing in a 787 page book right now is just not good for anybody.

The title is oddly appropriate and perhaps some kind of cosmic joke since I have not slept much in the past month! Okay–enough rambling. Here it is:

A little farther down the street, a little girl in jeans and an oversized white tee-short had been skipping rope and chanting in the growing gloom.

“It means you’re looking folded, spindled, and mutilated,” McGovern said. He used one thumb to tilt the Panama back on his head and looked more closey at Ralph. “Still not sleeping?

“Still not sleeping,” Ralph agreed.

Now, who to tag? Who reads my blog that hasn’t already been tagged?!


Have at it, Ladies!

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Eileen Tierney Broderick is a portrait photographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She specializes in natural portraiture of babies, children, families, and high school seniors. She is available to travel to Denver, Boulder, and beyond for custom portrait commissions. Please inquire for availability and pricing.
