There are so many great shots from Shelby and Ryan’s wedding at Westover that it has been hard to narrow them down for blogging. (No surprise there–I always have that problem!) Here are some of my favorites from the Getting Ready portion of the day.
Here Shelby gets her make-up done by Naomi Martinez of Naomi’s Studio & Salon. They were also responsible for the AMAZING hairstyles that day. Shelby and her girls looked flawless.
I told you she looked flawless. =)
Ryan's Mom helps him with the finishing touches.
Love this one of Ryan giving his Mom a smooch!
The Men.
They were quite the crew, I tell ya!
And back to the ladies for Shelby’s dress:
Lindsay and Ryan's sister, Meghan, help the bride into her dress. One of my favorite parts of every wedding day!
Lindsay puts on Shelby's necklace.
Shelby reads the card Ryan sent over. Along with a surprise gift!
Um...I think she likes it!
Can you blame her?!
Shelby with some of her Westover girls. Check out Lindsay's little man, Landon. And the flower girl, Hannah. They were so adorable!
The ladies looked amazing. I loved the colors of the dresses and the flowers.
Shelby and her Mom.
Hannah was not a fan of my camera but I did sneak this one!
Stay tuned! Next up is the Ceremony and one of my favorite moments of the day–when Shelby’s Dad first sees his little girl in her gown.