As I mentioned in an earlier post, Westover School is a very important place to Shelby and her family. Her father has worked at the school for nearly 30 years. She grew up there, was a student herself and is now a teacher at the school. She had always imagined her own wedding taking place here and her father seeing her for the first time by the campus’s gates just outside the church. The moment was extraordinary. Her father was so excited to see her:
Julia from Salty Grapes got this shot of their first embrace:
Okay. So here comes the ring bearer and flower girl along with Landon’s Mommy, Lindsay. The cuteness was almost too much! As you can see, I was lucky to get a shot at all with the audience pouring out of the pews to get a better look! It really was like the paparazzi!
Shelby was walked down the aisle by both of her parents. I love that.
The church was quite beautiful.
Ryan says his vows.
The blessing of the rings.
The moment we've all been waiting for! You may kiss your bride!
The Happy Mr. and Mrs.
Here is a quick family shot I grabbed of Shelby's brother, Steve, his wife, Lindsay, and their cutie son, Landon.
A few of my favorites from the formals with the bride and groom:
Before joining their cocktail hour, Shelby bustled her dress and added this awesome feather to her hair--love it!
Let’s move inside for a few more favorite moments from the reception.
Ryan's Dad was his Best Man. (Sweet!) And he gave a very touching toast in their honor.
Lindsay was next with her amazing 3-page poem recounting the relationship of Shelby and Ryan from the day they met! AND it rhymed!
Ryan's sister, Meghan, gave her own toast. It was incredibly sweet and brought a tear to my eye. She and Ryan are so close!
On to the dance floor!
These two are gifted dancers. They literally glide around the dance floor and make it look completely effortless.
They were totally wrapped up in their own world, singing to each other and just gliding along...
A perfect ending to a perfect First Dance.
Shelby and her Dad. They were adorable
I love the interaction here as Ryan and his mother share their Mother-Son Dance.
Shelby and Ryan are both so close to their siblings. They wanted to be sure to include them somehow in a special moment during the reception so there was an ‘extra’ dance in their honor.
Shelby and her brother Steve danced while...
Ryan and his sister Meghan danced nearby.
This was such a fun crowd! It is always such an honor to spend the day with so many happy people who love and care so much for one another. The families and friends of Ryan and Shelby were so wonderful to be around. These two obviously have many people in their lives who cherish them. They have many happy years ahead of them and I was so lucky to be there to capture these first moments of their marriage. Congratulations to you both!! I can’t wait to share the rest of your photos with you!