Hangin’ with Jake

I had the best time last week hangin’ out with this little man. Jake is such a sweet little guy. He started out a little shy but it took me, like, a minute to get him to smile at me. He can’t help it–he’s such an easy-going kid!



He definitely wanted to know that Mommy or Daddy was nearby, but he was also totally interested in me and my camera. Always checking to see if I was following him. And I was. This kid is on the move! It’s a super fun age to watch–everything is worthy of exploration–but a tricky age to photograph because he barely stayed still for a second! He kept us on our toes but we still managed to get some super-cute shots. At least the ones without motion-blur! 


A rare pause in his trek around the neighbor's yard.

A rare pause in his trek around the yard.

Of course I fired off a bunch of shots while he stood there!

Of course I fired off a bunch of shots while he stood there!

How sweet are they? Love the way he's got his head leaning back on his Mom's. Cute!

How sweet are they? Love the way he's got his head leaning back on his Mom's. Cute!

Can you tell he is their world? Look at the love here.

Can you tell he is the center of their world? Look at the love here.

Can't forget the family pooch--Barkley. What a cool dog--he was such a good boy.

Can't forget the family pooch, Barkley. What a cool dog--he was such a good boy.

Love this expression!

Love this expression!

We headed upstairs to explore a bit. Here Jake is playing tour-guide, showing me the guest room:


Perhaps my favorite from the day. Just pure sweetness.

Perhaps my favorite from the day. Just pure sweetness.

Another favorite. Just a quiet moment on Mommy's lap. I barely caught it but am so glad I did.

Another favorite. Just a quiet moment on Mommy's lap. I barely caught it but am so glad I did.

Just going downstairs is an adventure when you're 14 months old!

Just going downstairs is an adventure when you're 14 months old!

Is that weird lady with the giant camera still here?

Is that weird lady with the giant camera still here?

When he does take a moment to chill, he likes reading books in his new favorite chair.

When he does take a moment to chill, he likes reading books in his new favorite chair.

Down. And up. And down. And up. He loves his new chair!

Down. And up. And down. And up. He loves his new chair!

Total charmer.

Total charmer.

Playin' with Mom and Dad.

Playin' with Mom and Dad.

Peek-a-Boo with Daddy!

Peek-a-Boo with Daddy!





And more Cuteness.

And more Cuteness.

Who could say no to that face? Right?

Who could say no to that face? Right?

Barkley is no dummy. He knows exactly where to be at snack time!

Barkley is no dummy. He knows exactly where to be at snack time!

The Happy Family.

The Happy Family.

 Melissa and Karl–thanks so much for having me over! I had an awesome time hanging out with your little guy. Jake is a total cutie. You guys must be doing something right! 😉

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Eileen Tierney Broderick is a portrait photographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She specializes in natural portraiture of babies, children, families, and high school seniors. She is available to travel to Denver, Boulder, and beyond for custom portrait commissions. Please inquire for availability and pricing.
