A few weeks back I had the honor of capturing these images of my dear friend Ginny’s new baby boy, Benjamin. He was just 6 days old in these pictures and he was 100% sweetness. He’s already a month old and I can’t wait to see how big he has gotten! Babies change so much in the first few months. Thank you, Ginny, for being so patient waiting for these. It’s been a busy time but I am very pleased with how these came out and hope you find them worth the wait!
Congratulations to you all on your new bundle of joy! You are such a sweet and loving Mommy. XOXO.

All bundled up and adorable!
Ginny and Brent did an awesome job decorating the baby’s room. My favorite part? This awesome green chair! Love how it helps show how big he is. And it’ll be fun to watch him grow with this same chair as a backdrop.

This guy loves his pacifier. I love how giant it looks in his little mouth.

Baby parts. =)